Monday, February 11, 2008

My Interpretations of St. Malachi's Prophesy of Popes since Pope John XXIII

Pope John XXIII: Pastor et Nauta or "Shepherd and Sailor"

It is well-known that this Pope opened the door to Vatican II. He initiated it. On the one hand he was shepherd, on the other, he was like a typical young sailor who acts with abandon to his sensual appetites, not sufficiently thinking about the possible consequences of his actions.

Pope Paul VI: Flos Florum "Flower of Flowers"

Malachi Martin characterizes this Pope as being weak. He gave into the Modernist voices all around him instead of listening to the Truth of the Church which he knew so well. At the end of his life, he was a broken man. He realized his part in ruining the Church. His famous quote "the smoke of Satan has entered the Sanctuary" is his awakening to the realization of what transpired during his Pontificate. He did nothing to undo the damage done. He was a flower of flowers. In others words, he was effeminate. See: Put "Montini Homosexual" in the website search.

Pope John Paul I: De Medietate Lunae "of the Half-Moon"

Pope John Paul I's Pontificate was cut short. He was not able to complete the good work he had started. All signs point to the probability that he was murdered. He wanted to undo the damage done during Paul VI's Pontificate. According to Malachi Martin's classic book The Jesuits: the Society of Jesus and the Betrayal of the Roman Catholic Church he was beginning to confront the Jesuit Order and stop them from spreading their modernist/communist errors throughout the world. Like the cycle of the moon, he was not able to complete his cycle as Pope.

Pope John Paul II: De Labore Solis "of the Labour of the Sun"

Pope John Paul II is known for the vast amount of travelling around the globe he did throughout his Pontificate. He worked very hard in his mission to create world peace and stop communism. However, he did it on the world's terms. While he was busy globetrotting, his Church was disintegrating at a rapid rate. He did nothing to stop the spread of communism in his own Church! The irony is killing. Malachi Martin writes of a "Judas' Complex" in his book The Keys of this Blood, about the mission of John Paul's Pontificate. He therefore labored not for Christ, the Son. He worked on the world's terms under the sun. The labor of the sun, not the Son!

Pope Benedict XVI: De Gloria Olivae "Glory of the Olive"

Pope Benedict XVI is slowly bringing the Church back together again, because he is beginning to stand up for the Truth. By his actions he is offering an olive branch to the Society of St. Pius X. He is reaching out to the Orthodox Church. He is trying to unify Holy Mother Church without compromising her Truth.

I think the work Pope Benedict is doing is preparing the faithful for the coming Tribulation. He is making a last effort to strengthen the faithful and prepare us for a time that will test even the elect!


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